About Marketing with JR

Marketing with JR is a business consulting and coaching firm that focuses on Marketing. We will entertain other business issues and use other business consultants/coaches when needed. Check out our services page to learn about our three types of services: DIY, DFY, and DWY.

About Janice R Means, MBA

Janice is President of Marketing with JR.

Janice spent years in Corporate IT interwoven with various Marketing stints. She brings her Fortune 50 experience to you with a focus on traditional offline marketing strategies. However, she is pretty savvy online to make sure that the online and offline strategies complement each other.

Janice is a Marketing Maven for the Spiritual Business or Entrepreneur.

Janice also supports the unique/good small/medium businesses that are ready to move forward.

Janice has a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from Blackburn College and Masters in Business Administration from Governor’s State University.